Why am I getting an error message when I try to login to an electronic resource?


There can be any number of reasons why you are seeing an error message. It might be that the resource itself is unavailable, or there is a problem with the network, or if you are at home, your Internet connection. 

Many error messages indicate a temporary problem, so the first thing to do is to wait a few minutes and try again. Sometimes, clearing your cookies/temporary Internet files can also help, so next try that.

There are also some security rules that you may have tripped which will automatically place a block on your account.  This is often due to the use of multiple VPNs which will make it look like you have accessed resources from several countries within 24 hours.  The rules which will block an account are:

  1. Transferring over 2GB of data within an hour
  2. Accessing resources from more than four countries within a day
  3. Accessing resources from more than 20 network addresses within an hour

If the error doesn't clear or you think you have tripped a security rule, please email eresources@uca.ac.uk, providing as much detail as possible including, if you are able, a screenshot of the error and the URL of the error page.

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2024
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Marie Hitchcock

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