What happens once the library receives a request for a trial subscription?

  • Requests for a trial subscription are considered by the Liasion Librarian team in conjunction with the Collections and Discovery teams.
  • If the resource is suitable for a library subscription then a trial will be scheduled to run during the academic year.
  • Trial subscriptions typically run for a month
  • You will be responsible for promoting the trial to your course. 
  • The library will update the Journals A-Z and/or Database A-Z with links to access the resource on trial.
  • Once the trial period has passed we will look at usage and gather your feedback.
  • If the resource is suitable for a subscription the request will be discussed at the annual resources library budget meeting that is held in the Spring.
  • Please be aware that if your request is successful there is often a delay between approval and access to a resource becoming available.


  • Last Updated Aug 25, 2023
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Helen Barrett

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